Monday, October 24, 2022

Grade 7 - What is harassment?


  • Recognition
  • Empathy
  • Understanding Differences
  • Bravery - Action - Reaching out

***Students will be going over what harassment is and how it fits into the Tolerance Unit.

We will be reviewing what the LMS Handbook says. 

Thursday, October 13, 2022

GRADE 8 - Goal Setting


Students are currently exploring their own personal goals.
Do their goals meet the MAPS criteria?

M - Measurable
A -  Attainable
P -  Personal
S -  Specific

Students are asked to identify 2 long term goals and break them into short term goals.  They will then identify strengths that they possess that will help them to achieve their goals. We will also identify potential obstacles and who they can go to for support to overcome that obstacle.

SELF EFFICACY and RESILIENCY will be two focal points when learning about Goal Setting.