Friday, October 11, 2024

7th Grade - Assessment next week

7th grade students will take an open book Assessment next week.

STRESS - Grade 8


The 8th grade students will be focusing on Stress Management in our next unit.


The 6th grade students are learning all about Bullying. They are exploring the following:

What is bullying?
What are the roles in a bullying situation?
Why do people bully?
How does bullying feel?
What is the anti-bullying law all about?
What can you do about bullying?

Students will be making PSA's (public service announcements) in computer class all about bullying. 

Students will be watching videos and doing activities form the Pacer Foundation.

Click below to view the websites and videos that are viewed in class. 

Friday, September 13, 2024

Grade 6 Communication Unit


The ABC's of Communication

            • Always Speak Clearly
            • Be a Good Listener
            • Check it Ot

GRADE 7 -Tools of Tolerance

is the first unit in Health and Wellness 
with our 7th graders.  

Students will be asked to write about an individual that has worked to overcome an obstacle in his or her life.  Students will learn as much as they can about the individual and the obstacle.  Students  will briefly share their findings with their classmates.  All students will receive a document in google classroom with the following questions

OVERVIEW:   Who is the individual?  What is the obstacle?
                          What are some characteristics the individual may have?
                          What may have caused the obstacle?
                          What is the most important thing the class should know?


Thursday, September 12, 2024


is the current 
Health and Wellness topic for the 
8th graders this week.

Students will be working together in small groups/teams
practicing their communication and decision making skills.
Students will be responsible for completing 
Lessons from the Geese, 
 the Winter Survival and Summer Survival activities 
in their small groups.

Friday, September 6, 2024

Community Service Forms


Community Service

Community Service is an important, positive opportunity not only for the community but the student as well. The research regarding self-esteem, resiliency, and community relationships indicates a very strong connection that can result in a strong, meaningful experience for all those involved. Service learning provides opportunities for students to be involved in real life situations beyond the curriculum/classroom and into the community to help foster the development of a sense of caring about others.


Grade 6 – 1 hour 

Grade 7 – 2 hours 

Grade 8 – 3 hours

  1. Students must complete the total number of hours for his/her grade level before the end of the school year. A due date in June will be assigned.

  2. Verification sheet and reflection questions must be completed with thoughtful responses that appropriately reflects the experience.



Students will be given a completion grade once they have completed their hours HOWEVER the reflection and verification forms must be handed in to the Health teacher in order to receive full credit.

√+        Student meets the expectation.

  Reflection and verification forms are completed on time.

 √ Student attempts to meet expectation.

     Verification and reflection forms are handed in on time however, responses on 

            the reflection form are incomplete.

√-    Student does not meet expectation.

       Verification form has been handed in however the reflection form was not.

0 Student has failed to turn in any forms verifying his/her community service 

              for the year.


During the course of the school year students will be informed of community service opportunities that they can participate in. All projects should be in conjunction with a recognized organization and meet the following criteria: meets a demonstrated financial or physical/emotional need, must be supervised by an adult, cannot involve monetary compensation, and can overlap outside school organization work.

Please check with your Health teacher before choosing a Community Service project.